CMS+ Count+

Choose to display the number of search results or the total active filters for a Collection+ component. It can count and sum up results across a single list or multiple lists.

Key Features

  • Displays the number of search results from a Collection+ based on active filters and search text.

  • Displays the number of active filters on all or select CMS fields from a single or multiple Collection+ components.


  • Count Select which to count.

    • Search Results

    • Active Filters

  • Collection+ IDs Used when Count is set to Search Results. It's a list of Collection+ ID numbers. For every ID, Count+ will sum up its items and display a grand total. Set up your Collection+ first.

  • Active Filters A list used when counting active filters. When multiple items are provided, Count+ will add up the subtotals and display the grant totals. Each item contains these sub-controls:

    • Collection ID Number of the Collection+ ID list you want to count from.

    • All Active Filters By default it counts all active filters.

    • Fields If not counting active filters from all CMS fields, specify the selected CMS fields.

  • Font Set the font styles.

  • Font Color Set the color of the user input.


  • Zero (Optional) Set the variant to be displayed when the count is zero.

  • Above Zero (Optional) Set the variant to be displayed when the count is above zero.

Interactions are accessible when Count+ is inserted in a component. Check out the Creative Use Case section below.

Step-by-Step Setup

  1. Insert onto your page.

  2. Select which to count.

    Dropdown menu for Count+ that defines what it's going to count.

  3. Add items depending on your selection:

    • For counting search results, add items to Collection+ IDs list. Count+ will sum up the search results for each Collection+ ID number provided and display the grand total.

    • For counting filters, add items to Active Filters. Count+ evaluates each item, sums up the active filters, and displays the grand total.

      To remove an item from either list, simply right-click on it.

Creative Use Case

Displaying the number of active filters is useful but sometimes you don't need to show a zero when none are applied. By inserting Count+ inside a component, you get access to interactions!

With Count+ interactions, you can easily manage this by creating a variant with a transparent count linked to the Zero interaction. This ensures the count automatically transitions to transparency when it reaches zero. Remember to link the Above Zero interaction to transition back to the primary variant, making the count visible again!

Example of using Count+ interactions.